About Us

About us

About ABUAD Business School, Ibadan

ABUAD Business School, Ibadan is a campus of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria. The idea to establish the Business School was borne out of the need to advance the vision and objective that established Afe Babalola International Study Centre (ABISC), Ibadan, an offshoot of the University.

This is the provision of accessible and qualitative education to academic and/or professional-oriented persons seeking life-impacting solutions that provide the platform they need to translate their dreams into reality. As a result of this, the Afe Babalola International Study Centre (ABISC) was upgraded to the status of ABUAD Business School with full powers to run professional, postgraduate, undergraduate, and diploma courses of the College of Social and Management Sciences as well as allied courses of the College of Sciences of the University.

At ABUAD Business School, we provide platform for accessible, self-paced, cohort-based, collaborative and comprehensive learning, and make the learning experience mind-blowing, eye-opening and life-impacting as well as delightful, insightful and gainful. We integrate the professional and academic worlds; we bring together the town and the gown; and we intermediate between the industry and academia through the application of academic theories to solving practically complex business and industry problems. To get the most of this combination, we provide business and economic life scenarios, simulate real life situations, and engage in counseling sessions and business games.

Essentially, ABUAD Business School was flagged off on the 21st of November, 2022 after which the National Universities Commission (NUC) conducted its resource verification and gave an approval for its establishment on the 5th of January 2023. Arising from this, four concentric ABUAD Business School Academies were flagged off, which are Business Administration, Finance, Human Resource Management, and Industrial and Labour Relations.

Our Location
ABUAD Business school, Ibadan, a campus of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD), is in the heart of Ibadan city, situated at No. 13, Osuntokun Avenue, Old Bodija, Ibadan.

We Are Open for Business
We provide professional and postgraduate courses specialising in Business and Finance. Our programmes cater for a diverse audience, including professionals, entrepreneurs, corporate executives, managers at various levels, aspiring individuals, and business-oriented degree holders. Our offerings are accessible to individuals across Nigeria and around the globe who are involved in the business world, entrepreneurial endeavours, financial industries, oil and gas sectors, real sectors, and public service.


Our vision

To be a world class business school, providing platforms for professional and managerial capacity building


Our Mission

To be a leading business school in Nigeria and the rest of Africa, using the best form of technology, state-of-the-art facilities and top notch academics and professionals in creating platforms for professional and managerial capacity building jeered towards sustainable development in the continent.


Our Values

  1. Excellence,
  2. Human dignity,
  3. Dynamism, and
  4. Collaborations
  • We are committed to academic excellence and professionalism. We strive for the highest standard of performance through efficient service delivery, economic use of resources and effective operations.
  • We are, also, committed to respect for human dignity. Our clients are the reasons why we are in business; and we give credence to the dignity of labour and the labour theory of value. Thus, upholding high human relations skills in dealing with our vaired clientele and labour.
  • We are, further committed to dynamism in a rapidly changing world of technologies and uncertainties; we are both proactive and reactive in approach, and we keep pace with latest technology.
  • We are committed to collaborating with leading institutions, institutes, agencies and service providers nationally and internationally in the quest for achieving sustainable development. We are, also, committed to collaborative learning, teaching, research, and service provision in the quest for developing human capital and contributing to socio-economic development of our nation and the African continent in general.


Our Objectives

Our objectives are categorised into financial and non-financial objectives.

Financial Objectives:
Our financial objectives are:

  1. Revenue maximisation
  2. Growth
  3. Liquidity
  4. Long term stability
  5. Corporate wealth maximization
  6. Owners' wealth maximization
  • Revenue maximization: To generate the highest possible revenue from operations through efficient capacity utilization and aggressive marketing and promotion strategies.
  • Growth: To progressively increase growth in earnings, owners' return, equity investment and assets by a minimum of 25% annually, primarily through high efficiency in capacity and assets utilisation and earnings retention.
  • Liquidity: To achieve a strong working capital base of ratio 2 to 1 in current assets to current liabilities without sacrificing revenue maximisation, principally through adequate investments in marketable securities (i.e short-term highly liquid investments), sound debtors management, efficient invoicing system, and efficient cash management system.
  • Long-term stability: To keep the gearing level of the firm at a debt to equity ratio of 0.5:1 in order to make corporate earnings and value less vulnerable, principally through high earnings retention policy.
  • Corporate wealth maximisation: To serve the varied interests of all stakeholders by satisfying them at least two times their initial position before having contact with the firm.
  • Owners' wealth maximisation: To maximise the wealth of the owners at least achieving pareto optimally of 80:20 primarily through optimal investing, financing, dividend and liquidity decisions.
Non-Financial Objectives
Our non-financial objectives are our corporate objectives which are otherwise stated other than in quantitative and financial terms, and are capable of enhancing the achievement of our financial objectives. They are:
  1. Customers' satisfaction
  2. Employees' satisfaction
  3. Managers' welfare maximisation
  4. Market standing
  5. Innovation
  6. Productivity
  7. Image
  8. Public responsibility
  9. Technology.
  • Customers’ satisfaction: To satisfy our varied customers by meeting commitments made to them in order to build a high degree of customer confidence by providing increased value for money services through international standards of product quality, performance and superior customer service.
  • Employees' satisfaction: To satisfy our employees by remunerating them highly for enhanced productivity and profitability, and to enable each employee to achieve his potential, improve his capabilities, perceive his role and responsibilities, and participate and contribute positively to the growth and success of the firm. To invest in human resources continuously and be alive to their needs.
  • Managers’ welfare maximisation: To maximise the welfare of each manager in order to achieve goal congruence and efficiency cum effectiveness in the operations of the firm. This to forestall conflict of interest and dysfunctional behaviour in maximising the value of the firm or, better still, the economic welfare of the business owners.
  • Market standing: To create both absolute and relative values in the operations of the firm in meeting the needs of its varied customers through the provision of value added services. To capitalize on our strength and improve on our weakness, take advantage of opportunities in our market and mitigate available threats so as to achieve high strong market standing and market share.
  • Innovation: To be highly innovative and creative in order to gain improved technology that would reduce the cost of production, thus achieving revenue maximisation without compromising quality, standards and efficiency.
  • Productivity: To always achieve the maximum operative efficiency of 90% in the input-output relationship, thus reducing wastages and other losses to the bearest minimum by operating within a normal loss provision of 10% so as to contribute meaningfully to the profitability of the firm.
  • Image: To build corporate goodwill, reputation and image through excellent service delivery, product quality, superior performance and public responsibility.
  • Public responsibility: To be publicly responsible by being socially and environmentally responsible, thus contributing to the socio-economic development of the country and being environmentally conscious.
  • Technology: To achieve technological excellence in operations by developing indigenous technologies and efficient absorption and adaptation of imported technologies to sustain needs and priorities, and provide a competitive advantage to the firm.









Meet Our Team

Prof. Emmanuel A. Ayodeji
Executive Director
Oluwabusayo Olukolade
Deputy Director Part-time Programmes
Janet Olaniyan
Coordinator Postgraduate Programmes
Irewole Sofowora
Head ICT/Admissions